The Lord-Lieutenant is able to appoint young people from the Cadet Forces to become Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets. These cadets are chosen from the Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Air Training Corps and stay in this role for one year. The cadets are chosen as recognition of their outstanding contribution to their cadet community and are recommended to the Lord-Lieutenant by their senior offices.
The role of the Lord-Lieutenant’s cadets is to assist the Lord-Lieutenant most usually at large civic and military events and parades. On these occasions they wear their Lord-lieutenant Cadet badge on a red sash.
"My year as one of the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets was one of the best moments in my RAF cadet career. I met some fantastic and inspiring people and it has provide me with many fantastic memories. It is a post that I would highly recommend to everyone.
During my time as LLC my favourite event was attending the Remembrance Parade in Northampton. This was because so far I had only been to the parade in my local town and it was lovely seeing it in another town and meeting everyone involved, many of whom had great stories themselves. Overall, I would have to say that there is nothing to compare being selected as a LLC. It is the most rewarding and special appointment you could get!"
Redford McBeth
Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet 2016/17
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